What’s my favorite Islamic Holiday... 9/11.
Why do people always talk about 9/11, but seriously, just let it sit there, like the rubble it is.
Why were the people during 9/11 mad because they ordered pepperoni sandwiches, but they got two planes?
There was a math teacher on a plane that crashed. What was the last thing that went through their head?
A pentagon!
(9/11 joke)
I'll always remember my Dad's last words before he died on 9/11...
Allahu Akbar!
What was the last thing on the minds of the 9/11 jumpers ... ...
Their knees *Ba dum tss*
C'mon guys, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.
I don't like it when people make 9/11 jokes. My dad was in it.
He was the best damn pilot in Saudi Arabia.
I don't like it when people make jokes about 9/11, because we lost 19 great patriots that day.
You want to hear a 9/11 joke?
I bet they did to!
When was the only time you could see people base jump without a parachute? 2001/9/11
Stop making 9/11 jokes, my father died in a plane crash.
Best pilot in Saudi Arabia.
I don't like 9/11 jokes; they have a tendency to crash and burn.
How 9/11 Happened!:
Hey Bush, Truth or dare?
A child was walking through the forest when a wolf jumped in front of him. The child saw that the wolf had no leg. He then became a terrorist and caused 9/11.
Q: You want to know why I don’t make jokes about 9/11?
A: They tend to crash and burn.
9/11 jokes aren’t funny.
They always crash and burn.
Person 1: Did you hear the joke bout 9/11?
Person 2: No, but it'll probably crash and burn.
Q: How do you make a 9/11 cocktail?
A: Light two Manhattans on fire and then knock them over.