What’s the difference between a Ferrari and ten 6-year-olds?
I don’t have a Ferrari in my garage.
What’s the difference between a Ferrari and ten 6-year-olds?
I don’t have a Ferrari in my garage.
If you read this you fucked your dad and your 4 year old sister you sick fuck... Atleast wait till they are 15
What do you call a baby kangaroo? Joey.
What do you call a 6 year old named Joey? Supper.
I did so much research that I got bone-tired from doing this, tibia honest. You probably didn't find that humerus. I got a skeleton of these puns. I guess I could learn a femur puns. I was wondering if the creators of this site could talus how they come up with puns or maybe give some advice? I'm only 14 years old.
your walking into a bar and you see 2 younger kids around 18 you call the manager to have them removed but no one came down. later that night you see the 2 18 year olds 1 was a girl and the other was a boy so you call the manager down no one came again. you confront them and tell them to leave, but one turns around and hits you. you are nocked out on the floor. when you wake up there is a hard feeling in your a** you turn ur head around and there is an autistic girl with a strap on in ur a** going fool on hard.
Whats the difference between a five year old and and a Democrat.... The five year old doesnt expect you to do everything for them. (Vote for Ted Cruz, Ben Sahapiro 2020)
What's the difference between an American 12-year-old and an African 12-year-old? About 40 pounds.
What do you call a 100-year-old frog?
An old croak!