Question: Why did the blonde get excited after finishing a puzzle in 5 months? Answer: The box said 3-5 years!
why cant orphans play baseball? because the cant make to home
I don't understand why when I went to the shooting range today the police came, like bro I always go to elementary schools
Why did the orphan get an iPhone X for his birthday? Because it has no home button.
Why does an orphan wanna be a criminal?
BecUse they wanna be wanted
Q: Why was the tower of Pisa leaning
A: Because it has better reflexes than the twin towers
why are people in japan so slim. bcuz the last time a fatman came the lost half their population
Why do u call a priest a father because calling them daddy would be too sus
Why do strippers never care about things?
Because the last time they gave a fuck, it was for 20$ an hour.
Why does the military recruit orphans? Because homing missiles don’t target them
You know why emos get excited playing minecraft? They see a creeper
do you know why 6 is afraid of 7 ? Why ? 7 ate (8) 9. do you know why 10 scared ? Why ? he is between 9 and 11
Why does OSHA require women to wear panties? Because every manhole needs a cover
why does michael jackson like doge miner? he thinks its about minors dressed in doge costumes
Why do trans women make the best golf course grounds staff? They’re enthusiastic about getting rid of unwanted balls.
Why can’t orphans go on school trips? They need a parent signature.
Why did the old man fall into the well? He couldn't see that well
Why did the lion lose the race-because he was playing with a cheetah