
Wealth Jokes

If I had a dollar for every time a rap hater made an intelligent statement, i’d be more broke than the rap haters.

Police officers hope you’re a criminal. Doctors hope you get sick. Mechanics hope you get car troubles. But only thieves wish you prosperity. Weird?

With numerous reports of Donald Trump's odour and Kelly Clarkson's lack of hygenic habits... proof that money doesn't buy cleanliness.

what do you call a rich Chinese person cha-ching

ask Siri what rich North Koreans are there

siri "I could not find anything for this question"

I'm not saying I'm ugly...

But when I'm watching porn, the hot sexy women in my area always pop up and ask me if I'm rich.

A man has the power to grant anyone a wish they want. A kid comes up and says, "I want to be like batman!" The man smiles and grants his wish. The child goes home and finds that he is now an orphan.

Having cockroaches in the house is a sign that you've food.

These things are like Ugandan girls, they hate poverty.

Why are people surprised by Johnny Depp having $30,000 wine bills, domestic violence accusations, rampant substance abuse, poor hygiene, and the looks of a predator? He grew up a Florida Man, after all.