What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A school bus full of children.
What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A school bus full of children.
When they say you live by the sword, you die by the sword, not in Paul Walker's case. He lived by the car, died by a tree. Well, I guess the car was stumped.
Roads be so rough in Oklahoma, I saw a high lifted truck get ended riding lower than a Hot Wheels car.
"I’m going through a lot of things right now," I said frustratedly to the person on the line as I crashed straight through the next building in my car.
Why do the brakes keep squealing?
Because the driver hit it too hard.
What's the difference between a hundred decapitated babies and a Ferrari?
I don't have a Ferrari in my garage :|
What do you call a Mexican who's lost his car?
Helen Keller threw the garbage out and broke a vehicle.