
Vehicle Jokes

What's the last thing to go through a fly's head as it hits a car's windshield at 100 mph?

Its ass.

When they say you live by the sword, you die by the sword, not in Paul Walker's case. He lived by the car, died by a tree. Well, I guess the car was stumped.

A cement mixer has collided with a prison van. Motorists are asked to look out for 16 hardened criminals.

"I’m going through a lot of things right now," I said frustratedly to the person on the line as I crashed straight through the next building in my car.

I got caught doing donuts in the parking lot, and I know what y'all are thinking.

Who names their dog Donuts?

Therapist: So what brought you here today?

Wife: He's too literal.

Therapist: And you, sir?

Husband: My truck.

The average French car has 7 gears, 6 of which are in reverse mode just in case the Germans come back.