1. Your brother says... “you look ugly.” You say back... “Nice, I was trying to look like you.”
2. You're so dumb, I'm surprised you even made it to kindergarten.
3. The ugly vowels: A, E, I, O, and YOU.
I’m back and have a joke my friend said!
Person 1: My brother's Halloween costume is so ugly.
Person 2: What was it?
Person 1: He went as himself.
You're so ugly, your mother thought about setting you up for adoption.
Yo daddy so ugly he want them ice.
You're so ugly that when The Oh Hellos saw you, they were like "Oh Bye!"
Why aren't Down's syndrome jokes funny? because the format of them is ugly.
Dani: What's so funny?
Tess: Your face! 'Cause you're ugly!
Dani: WHY!!!!!!!
If you had a dollar for every time someone said you're ugly, you'd meet someone who wouldn't say you're ugly.
Yo mama so fricking ugly, she made humans to extinct.