
Ugliness Jokes

Say, "Hey, you're pretty." Then she'll say, "OMG, thank you so much," or something cringe. Then you say, "Pretty f***ing ugly, aha, gottie!"

People who don't have common sense are just stupid people with ugly hearts. STOP HATING PEOPLE YOU NEVER KNOW! Also write "then exit the f word site," and I think we know that won't happen!!!

I L.O.V.E GWEN!!!!!!

Not to be rude or anything, but I'm not adopted. My boyfriend is, and some of these are really mean because sometimes their parents give them up just because they're ugly or just because of their skin color. We should stop making fun of them, and yes, I do giggle sometimes, but they can be really hurtful sometimes.

Make an ugly face in 3,2...STOP OMG STOP EWWWWW oh wait that’s your normal face.

You're so skinny you're a thin stick You're so fat that when you got in Pacific Ocean you became the Pacific Ocean You're so ugly you got stuff for free You're so nasty that when you eat spaghetti you thought it was throw up You're so fat you're the fattest person on Earth You are so gay you kiss the boy last night

Man : *behind the women* she's so UgLy Women : my back is not a voice mailer, unless your a coward say it to my face

So I was looking though my pictures and I found a picture of a random kids that took a picture of his ugly face it look like someone that got hit by a car than a bus than a semi

That’s what I get for not having a password on my iPad