How do you scare alot of people in New York? Open a mobile Hotspot named delta in flight wifi.
Bro the air planes that crashed darn it they got mvp
I've been drinking from a tall cup his teeth look like twin towers al-Qaeda Blown him up
what's a buildings first crush, a plane.
whats the twin towers' favorite type of transport? PLANES
What does Drew Bledsoe and the twin towers have in common
They both got taken out by two jet.
I would tell a 9/11 joke but it would probably go up in flames
what did the twin towers say when they saw the airplane
batter up
Why did Al Qaeda fail geometry? Cuz they ruined the pentagon
My great grandfather died in 9-11......
He was such a good pilot......
How are genders different than the twin towers¿
There are two genders.
everyone knows why 6 is scared of 7 cuz 7 8 9 but why does 10 have ptsd
cuz it’s between 9/11
What was going through the head off a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor
The 89th floor
The twin towers were the best soilders ever. Stand together, FALL TOGETHER!
who crashed the plane? 1. Abu Faram?- terrorist 2. The little kid Joseph? 3. The passed out pilot?
Who were the people that survived 9/11? The ones who decided it would be a good idea to jump
Do you know why dead baby jokes are always funny... They never get old
My phone is just like the twin towers they got put in air plane mode
we must start a propaganda for baked beans
What did the hyjackers say when they crashed into the twin towers?