What did the North tower say to the south tower? "Sorry, can't talk, got to catch a plane."
What did the north tower say to the south tower during the summer? Get ready for fall!
When the South Tower saw the North Tower collapse, he said, "I'm still standing."
What did the South Tower say to the North Tower?
What did the South Tower ask the North Tower?
Which tower is better at playing catch? The south tower, obviously. It caught 2!
Why was the North Tower a bad doctor when the South Tower collapsed?
Because the North Tower didn’t do CPR.
South Tower: Man, that was da bomb.
North Tower: No, that was da plane.
The north and south towers got into an argument.
The south tower said, "We will talk about this when we are on the ground."
What did the South tower get instead of pepperoni pizza? It got a bunch of plane.
Let's hope the new tower doesn't go plane watching like the old ones
North Tower: Hey south tower we can talk later I gotta catch a plane
Wanna know the last words of the south tower?
What did the south tower say to the north tower? It said: nothing.
9/11 joke.