I would make a joke but it won't be as explosive as the others
Sorry for this Pick Up Line
Are you a building because i rate you 911 so let me put my plane in a let kids fall out
Yall these 9/11 jokes ain't funny I ordered a plaine pizza in the twin towers
How dare you people make 911 jokes it's just "plane" rude
Can never tell a funny 9/11 joke they always collapse and burn
Why did the caretaker of the twin towers get sacked?
He left the landing lights on
There were two twins and they were both very tall. The next thing they know they were on the floor and there were planes up their asses
2001 just called and they want there towers back
Why did the twin towers die because they had to many plane pizzas
What happens to freedom towers got hit they stepped in ground 0
My grand pa died in 911 he was a grate pilot
Get pranked bozo
The Twin towers ordered dominos what did they get instead
my dad was in the plane in 911 and he was the smart one that convinced everyone he said. were fucked
What happens when you work in the twin towers. It connects to airplane wifi
My did the terists crach
They were doing the job they loved but not get paid
Q: why is america bad at chess
A: cause they already lost two towers
I would tell a 911 joke but it would probably crash and burn.
My father died in 9 11. Its such a shame. He was a great pilot😔