Girls are like a bus; you might miss the first bus and catch the second bus.
What's black and has wheels? Black wheels.
Ur the bus driver, the busy driver picks up twenty kids, drops two, picks up eighty. Drops seven picks up a women with green eyes, drops off a man with blue, kicks a kid in the face, and burried his mother. Who’s the bus driver You will never nose
Why did the child cross the road?
To get to the other slide.
What is the difference between my Lamborghini and a pile of dead babies?
I don't keep my Lamborghini in my garage.
My heart is like a plane.
It crashes every once in a while.
Why did the boy drop his ice cream?
He got hit by a bus.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
Do your buses run on time?
No, they run on diesel.
Why did Sally decide to fly to school?
She couldn't drive.
Q: How come in airports, they park the planes outside?
A: They don't belong in buildings.
I had a dream about a car, and I woke up exhausted.
A gay guy asked me for directions, so I told him to go straight.
What happened to the egg after it went on the rollercoaster?
It was scrambled.
What do you need in order to crash a train?
A bad track record.
If you park your tow truck on the footpath, it'll get towed.
Life as an elevator has its ups and downs.
A Ford?
What did the tree say to the kid with a bike? "Take a hike!"
Why was Aaron's mum sad? The bus missed Aaron.