
Tragedy Jokes

Son: Dad? Why is mommy no longer with us?

Dad: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Son: Why?

Dad: To get to the other side, but your mother only made it about halfway.

Why did the Royal Wedding get more publicity then the SantaFe school shooting?

Cause Royal Weddings dont happen every week.

Mary's mother was a good person why did she die? -because she got stabbed in the heart 60 times by a switchblade


Where did Sally go during the bombing? Everywhere!

What's worse than Sally in a trash can? Sally in thirteen trash cans.


A priest and a rabbi run out of a burning church, and the priest says, "What about the children?" The rabbi says, "Fuck the children." And the priest says, "Do you think we'll have time?"


What do Pink Floyd and Princess Diana have in common? Both of their greatest hits are "the wall."