One time a blind person grabbed my arm thinking it was something else.
"Oh wow, this is such an interesting book!"
What's the difference between a gamer and dog poop? Dog poop touches grass.
Why can't I touch little old women but nursing home nurses can.....
What's The Difference Between A Rubber And Micheal Jackson? Nothing, Kids Tounch Them Both.
edward scissor hands: why is it that every time i touch someone they get ofended? kids: cause your a physco path
Braille Is Not That Hard To Learn, You Just Got To Have A Feel For It
What did the blind man say the first time he touched sandpaper?
“What in the world did I just read?”
Me: hey friend!
Friend: yes?
Me: What is the missing sense? Seeing, Smelling, _, Tasting, Hearing.
Friend: Touch
Me: what do u spawn on Minecraft always (jk only 99.99pursent)
Friend: Grass
Me: And you get?
Friend: Touch grass
What touches kids and is made out of plastic? Michael Jackson here hee
Touch Down
Donald trump didn't build a wall because he likes going to islands to touch little girls
What does Helen Keller say when she touches a basketball?