The toilet having an argument with the toilet paper, the owner of the house had a diarrhea, who's day was more shittier!?🤷‍♂️💩
Toilet paper cried across the road
Why did the toilet paper not make across the road
Because it got stuck in the crack
I saw some toilet paper rolls rolling in the wind. So I called “TOLIET PAPERS ROLLING IN”
Last time I got a piece of ass was when my finger went through the toilet paper.
Why is there no toilet paper at KFC?
Because it's finger lickin' good!
Do you know the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtain?
So you're the one!
Why does the disabled person scrunch his toilet paper up? Because that’s the way he rolls.
So, I got a paper towel roll, ripped it, but started to fart when I ripped it off, and stopped farting when I got it off the rool, and then I said; "I guess that's why it's called ripping one!"
Women are like rolls of toilet paper. They are either really cheap or expensive, you use them a lot, and they deal with a lot of sh*t.
I am having a shit and there[sic] nothing else to read.
A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The bear turns to the rabbit and asks, "Do you have any problems with shit sticking to your fur?" The rabbit says, "No." So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit.
What did one piece of toilet paper say to the other? "I feel really wiped."
Today, there was a big test for Little Timmy. During the test, Timmy had to take a really huge shit. So, he rushed to the bathroom. He took a while in there.
When he was done, he realized there was no more toilet paper left. Since there was nothing around him to use, the only thing he could do was wipe with his hand. His time in the bathroom was up, and he needed to finish that test! He didn’t have time to wash his hands. So, he hurried back. The problem was, the hand he wiped with was his right hand. He used his left hand to complete the test, which made him fail. When he got home, his mother was standing there crossing her arms. “Timmy, the teacher had called and said you wrote sloppy on your test. Why is that?” Timmy replied, “Oh, it’s because I caught a leprechaun with my right hand, but if I opened it, my classmates would scare him away, so I had to use my left.” Timmy’s mother glared at him with disbelief. “Timmy, I don’t believe you. Now open your hand!” Timmy did so and opened his hand. “See, mother? I said you’d scare the shit out of him!”
This is a joke about Ms. Ploopatoink, a made-up character who is a pink fluffy pony who loves toilet paper.
Why is Ms. Ploopatoink like a toilet plunger?
They both jump in the toilet!
When it comes to recycling toilet paper, you really need to process the crap out of it.
Why did the toilet paper cross the road?
It didn't; it got stuck in a crack.
Yo mama is so skinny, she uses floss as toilet paper.