
Think Jokes

Fat bully. That was just the starter now do you want the main course

Me. I dont think I want that because you already ate it

If I died and went to heaven, do you think I’d be friends with Prince? The only thing that makes me want to stay alive more is the thought that Prince would hate me.

"I miss you- Being happy was never that hard without you..."

Someone's dad: You think he/she wants to join me? I didn't get the milk...

Call me fat you call me fat because you think that you’re pretty but you ain’t you’re just a musty dusty rusty Cardi B

A man is about to be hanged. His executioner asks for his last words. The man says: “Man, it’s hard to think of something when your life is on the line.”

Bro, I was told that "LMAO" meant launching missiles at orphanges. Well, I LMAOed I don't think they are ever gonna see their parents again.

what stands on the side of the road and needs a lot of money to buy

billboard, did you think I was gonna say street walker?

i can never get away from my dog, he follows me everywhere, i think you two would be really good friends