
Think Jokes

so a kid was hanging out with his mom and this man comes up to him and said hi i'm your new dad the kid did not think about it and then he did and said but i already have a dad the mom said that was not your real dad

you say this to your friend damn your nuts are bigger then mine* thinks the wrong way* friend: i must order more nuts

Jk: jimin why are you so small? Jm: excujjimi? Jk: no offense jim jm: yah call me hyung! Jk: but im bigger jm: im older! Jk: im tge top and your tge bottom so i dobt think its right to call you hyung.. jm:......

Ok everyone on this wepsite.... I HAVE NO BROTHERS OR SISTERS the person who claims hes my "brother" is firesharky he is trying to get fame. Never listen to him. He will lie and trick u to think i have a brother but i dont.