Have you ever heard of emo pizza?
It cuts itself!
What’s the difference between an emo kid and a dead pig?
Suicide squad.
What’s an emo kid's favorite wood working tool? A chop saw!
My friend got arrested for shooting an unarmed black teen.
He was charged for impersonating a police officer.
"Let girls live" is 9 years old, OMG, right?
Why did your emo mom get you?
To have someone to hang out with.
Vape company: Hey, want some lung cancer and a nicotine addiction?
Teens: NO WAY!
Vape company: But it’s mango flavored!
Teens: O OK. 😤
Mom says: "I will go kill myself."
Me: *stays quiet cuz knows better than to talk* *also me internally eyerolls*
Some time later me fighting with my mom:
Me to my mom: "Oh, yea than kill me!"
Mom: "What the hell did you just say? I don't want to hear it from you again!"
So it's OK for adults to say "I'll kill myself" but not teens/kids!?!?
There was a boy in the gym who was in his late teens. He was sitting at the dumbbells tables, but he wasn't lifting. He instead, sat up and was ripping something up.
The manager then walked over to him and asked, "You're hogging the dumbbells, dude! What are you even doing?" The boy hesitated, then said, "Getting ripped, wanna join me?" as he held up stacks of blank paper. The man silently sat on the table with him and grabbed some papers. "Why not?" he finally said.
Why did Jeffrey get blood on his shoe?
Because this teen just started her period!
What fell first, the feather or the depressed kid?
Q: The feather, the depressed kid is still up there.
Why did the emo kid leave the food on the table?
It was the Happy Meal.
An emo kid sees his clothes hanging to dry, and he says to his clothes, "I wish I were you!"
For some reason a group of emo kids are following me because I gave them a Happy Meal.
Oh, yeah! FRESHFRY fucked a boy!