if stephen hawking was in a horror movie .... would he make his robot try and shout “aaaaaaaaah help me , i can’t move i’m too scared” ???
How did Steven Hawkings die? His wife tripped over his charging plug when he was at 2% battery x
why did stephen hawking die?--- he tried to download a free version of windows
whats the difference between Paul Walker and my computer
when my computer crashes i actually give a fuck
Y don’t they let have Stephen Hawkings have other electronics around him ? Because he will sound staticky
What is Steven Hawkins favourite food? Micro chips
Stephen hawkings tried charge his phone and unplugged his life support
What was on Stephen Hawking's gravestone? "Intel inside."
Did he hear he died of a virus? A computer virus
What were Steven Hawking's last words?
Error 404 File Not Found.
How did Stephen Hawking die?
They unplugged the wifi.
You know when you sign up for something and it says "I'm not a robot"? I guess he never had the chance to tick that.
Guess Stephan Hawkins never had use sweatcoin😂
So, Duracell batteries do run out.
Stephen Hawkings just died. Have they tried rebooting him to factory settings?
What would Stephen Hawking do to get drunk Over charge himself
When Stephen Hawking was feeling hungry, he used to call in to his local PC World for a megabyte and some microchips.
Steven Hawkins didn’t die naturally, his carer just forgot to put him on charge
My phone was at 10% and my friend said it better not shut down like Stephen hawkin
It sucks that Stephen Hawking died so soon, the new Intel update just came out.