Hey guys, wish me luck on my game Al-Nassr vs. Raed Al-Raed. I have 604 million followers on Instagram, but we are not gonna be able to beat that. Can we get to 69 followers, please and thankyou?
People in 1 Ad: I bet we will have the best technology ever in 2023
Be careful what you say around Indians, the red dot means they're recording.
BTW, I am one, wahahaa!
I went up to a orphan bully and I said"here look I made a website" the orphan likes it but the kid says"I forgot one feature tho.the home button.
What do you call two AI systems that are in love with each other? Member of chat LGBT
why cant asian people use a telephone Because they might wing the wong number
I gave helen keller an oculus and airpods for her 12th birthday and she hated them and me.
What do iphones and the Titanic have in common? Theres no Jack!
Y'all I'm suspended till wendsday and can't do much cuz I'm on a tablet not my computer. Tell autterpop I won't be on till wendsday or after
why shouldnt orphans get a phone?
they would get stuck in a app because they cant find the home button
Hey Siri, where is my dad?
Your dad is in a strip club in Las Vegas.
HAH, jokes on you! My dad’s in the kitchen!
Your mom’s husband is in the kitchen, your dad is in a strip club in Las Vegas.
Putting wifi in the morgue to enable live streaming
Grew up playing Fruit Ninja on my iPad. Spent time with my online sister playing multiplayer.
Now I play it in school with an awesome small steel blade.
I’m not allowed my phone during school hours and I have to give it in at the start of the day...
A computer is like a living organism. Its charger is its life support. If you "pull the plug" you are letting it slowly die.
I'm so depressed that when I smile, my Face ID doesn't recognize me.
Women are like iPhones, you have to touch them all over before they respond. Men are like Blackberrys, rub one ball and everything moves!
What did stephen hawking see before he died?
The blue screen of death
if anyone ever makes a time machine, please make a bunker for Hitler/the Nazis and send them to 2050. I want to see who would die first, future us or them.
man 2001 just called they want a tower back
me: hey siri, did you know Candice died?
Siri: yes I was informed she died from sugondese
me: wat is dat?
Siri: sugondese nuts