
Supermarket Jokes

People sometimes ask me why I cut myself. I usually answer, that at least i can scan my worth at the supermarket.


Its embarrassing when there is no toilet paper and you need to go and get one with your pants down, lucky enough the super market is just round the corner.


A women walkes into a supermarket and sees a blined man swing a dog around in the air so the women walkes up to him and asked "what what are you doing" the man says " just having a look round"

I’m a cashier at a grocery store, and when I’m bored I draw on my hands with pen, well this guy walks up to me and says “ you know I got mental illnesses from drawing on myself” and so without thinking I said “ well I’ve already got those so I think I’m fine.... 😳he looked concerned. Oops lol

there are perks to bringing a emo to the grocery store you can get coupons by scanning their wrist

They told me a mask was enough to get into the supermarket. They lied, everybody else was also wearing pants.