I love the way the Earth rotates.
It really makes my day!
You're so brilliant and bright that the Sun wears sunglasses when you're near!
God sent a kid to the principal's office for giving a blind kid sunglasses and said, "Don't let the sun damage your eyes!"
Chuck Norris can toss Jupiter at the Sun with his bare hands.
And he still cannot win a fighting match against Bruce Lee.
A dad told his son never to hit girls, so the son replied, "I promise."
When the son got older, he was doing the dirty with "a girl," and the girl says, "Spank me, daddy..." and the son responds, "My dad said never to hit a girl."
Then the "girl" takes off the wig, and it's his dad, and the dad said, "Good job, son!"
Son:...... um
What did the lady say to Michael Jackson on the beach?
"Excuse me sir, but you're in my sun."
Look at the bright side!
The worst is behind us.
Yo momma's like a cloud, when she disappears, it's a beautiful sunny day.