Still Jokes

I was watching my daughter play at the park, a woman came up to me and asked which one was mine, I said I was still choosing.

You can understand depression if you are still in school and get bullied by bullies, punished by teachers and scolded by parents for being that quiet kid who says nothing.

In some places in the world, you can't get an abortion even after rape. That's so fucked up.

You serve your time, you get out, and you STILL have to pay child support. What a nightmare.

Wanna hear something bad? A pile of dead babies. Wanna hear something worse? The one at the bottom is still alive. Wanna hear something worse than that? He has to eat his way out. Wanna hear something that's the worst? He comes back for seconds.


What do you call a cow with no legs? (Ground Beef!) No, a cow! The absence of legs does not change the fact that the species is still a cow!

What do you call a DOG with no legs? (A dog?) It doesn't matter what you call it, as it's never going to come.


A cocksucker is still a cocksucker if a cocksucker only sucks for moal,religious, or health reasons, and a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat for moral,religious or health reasons can still be a cocksucker so how can a cocksucker be a vegetarian for moral, religious, or health reasons

What's worse than a dead baby? A pile of dead babies. What's worse than that? The baby at the bottom of the pile is still alive. What's worse than that? The baby at the bottom of pile is eating its way out.

There was a race between Lettuce a faucet and Ketchup. The lettuce was a-head, the faucet was still running and the ketchup was trying to ketchup