
Stay Jokes

Why couldn’t little Susie stay on the swing? She had no arms

Knock knock Who’s there? Not Susie.

Why can't women just shut the fuck up! I hate women they need to know their place and stay in the kitchen a d be baby makers.....

Hey I just wanna be in bed I just wanna stay ahead i just feel like i am dead and i like that color red hey i am not the big fat loser and your just a big accuser you user and excuser

Say this to you sister,toxic BF,Anyone :)

What do you get when you cross an atheist an insomniac? Someone who stays up all night wondering if there's a dog

2 people about to have sex realise they have no lube. In their desperate, horny haste they looked for the nearest Downy and asked it " speak into my hand. "

Upon their return to the bed they regretted it immediately because his dick just stayed down...

I was siting in class when my theacher said have any questions the SUSpenDID Class clown said whos joe so teach said joe who so the clown said joe mama so i said what in the BALLS so i ended up stay in detention with the clown ah so cozy

Me in 2078 when the COVID-19 delta alpha theta beta cya layta alligayta nlgga chungus sussy deef clussy sussy bussy cunnybrap variant comes out and I need to stay in lockdown for another 2 years with my new mandated virus stopper buttplug 9000

Why was the rapper always in shape?

Because he dropped so many BARS, he had to stay fit to pick them up