Has anybody else noticed that out of nowhere there are always tons of people online? It's kinda trippy if I'm being honest.
Why do more women than men oppose abortion? Because they prefer not to get raped.
Why do more men than women support abortion? So they can keep raping women and the victims will just abort their kids to not have to relive the experience!
I killed a homeless dude, now she's at the funeral home. 😭💔
A Chinese guy said to his friend: "I saw you fucking your donkey yesterday."
His friend: "No, that's impossible, it's too hot inside."
Why are Orphans so bad at poker? Because they don't know what a full house is.
LGBTQ = LeBron giving back to qommunities (communities).
Why did the orphan become a str1pper?
So she can have someone to call daddy.
The cannibal got angry, so he threw up his arms.
You can't send an Indian to walk a corner. The only corner they will get to is 7-11.
How does a disabled man go to church? He can't, there's no ramp.
Orphans are like vegans, no one ever remembers the nice ones.
I went on an orphan website. Sadly, there was no home page.
We should stop the orphan jokes. The parents will get mad.
How do lesbians have sex? It’s too complicated. I’d have to show you.
I burnt down an orphanage and then showed an orphan the orphanage that I burned down, and he loved it. Not really, though.
Apple created the iPhone X for orphans because they don't have a home.
"Sharing is communism."
How do you make a disabled person cry?
Let's go play tag!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
The amputee: -_-