I burnt down an orphanage and then showed an orphan the orphanage that I burned down, and he loved it. Not really, though.
Apple created the iPhone X for orphans because they don't have a home.
"Sharing is communism."
How do you make a disabled person cry?
Let's go play tag!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
The amputee: -_-
Who is the blindest person in the world?
I was walking till I saw a kid sitting on the street. I walked over there and said, "Where are your parents?" He cried even more.
Oh, I just love talking to orphans.
Me and a wheelchair person were playing tag, and I broke my leg so it can be fair for him.
Some people say I'm rude, but I think I'm pretty nice because the other day I saw this kid crying on the road and I asked him where his parents were. I just love looking at an orphanage.
Why do cannibals love sex? They can make their own food.
How do you turn a Chinese person into an American? Put a bag of ice on their eyes.
Why are fat people fat? Because they eat like Indians eating curry, except fat people eat many more portions.
I'm black, and I have a dying family in my basement that hasn't eaten in 2 weeks. They need help.
Btw, it's a joke lol.
I was an orphan as a kid, but I have never had a bitch, so I asked this cheerleader to homecoming, and she said, "Mofo, you are only coming to hoco because you need a home to go to!"
If you’re having a bad day, just punch an orphan.
Who are they going to tell? Their parents?
In Ohio, people walk with their hands.
What’s the difference between a chicken and an orphan?
The chicken is actually used for something.
Welcome to the Sexual Innuendo Club. Thank you all for coming!
Girl, you must be a Muslim because you are only 5 years old, yet you know how to give great head.
What do you call a burning orphan in a wheelchair? Hot Wheels.
What hit the ground first, the orphan or the apple? The apple. The orphan never hit the ground.