Q- How much does a skeleton weigh? A- a skeleTON
You heard a conversation between Sans and Papyrus:
Sans: "Sub bro."
Sans: "Easy bro, I have done a ton of work today."
Sans: "A skele-ton."
(Drum effect)
Papyrus: "OH MY GOD SANS!"
What did the skeleton say to the genderless child? "You're fucking dead, mate."
Why didn't the skeleton play football?
His heart wasn't in it!
Get up, you lazybones!
I have a ton of work to do... A skeleTON
what is the skelitons faverite insterment. a zilabone
Sans: Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?
Papyrus: Because they looked like me?
Sans: ... Sure.
Why did the skeleton not rob the bank?
He did not have the guts!
Why are you so bonely, my friend? I am at least glad that you are not boneless.
What does skeleton said after dinner Bon-e Appétit
What did one skeleton say to the other?
Skeleton 1: "I need a hand!"
Skeleton 2: (Throws up hand)
Skeleton 1: "That wasn't very humerus."
Skeleton 2: "Why do you have to be so heartless?"
Skeleton 1: "At least I had the guts to tell you!"
How did the skeleton know it was about to rain? "Because he felt it in his bones?" No He read the weather app you idiot.
What do you call a skeleton who went out in the snow? A numb skull!
Skeletons love to be in band they love the trumbone
wanna hear a skeleton joke? sorry i don't have the guts to tell it
A skeleton goes sky diving. Doesn't come back in one piece.
Q:why doesn't a skeleton mother drink water? A:because it gives her more work!
Why did the skeleton not cross the road?
Because it did not have the guts.
Teacher: Why did the skeleton know the weather outside?
Student: 'Cause he could feel it in his bones.
Teacher: No, he read the weather report, you fucking idiot.