
See Jokes

"My dick fell off in the shower" suddenly a bright flash of white lights. You see God smiling at you. "Joseph, where is your Weiner little one?' He says chuckling lightly.

Old woman: You are such a darling child. Please come and see me again next year.

A year later, as child walks up to the door of the old ladies house...

Oh my! Goodness sakes child! Have you grown, or have I shrank???

Child: Both

When she saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she'd dye.

So, she went to see the "You Should Be Shot" - Photography Studio

if anyone ever makes a time machine, please make a bunker for Hitler/the Nazis and send them to 2050. I want to see who would die first, future us or them.

Me: hey friend!

Friend: yes?

Me: What is the missing sense? Seeing, Smelling, _, Tasting, Hearing.

Friend: Touch

Me: what do u spawn on Minecraft always (jk only 99.99pursent)

Friend: Grass

Me: And you get?

Friend: Touch grass

So I told an orphan to slap themselves untill they are wanted, I came back the next day to see them slapping themselves then I stopped them then told them to punch themselves. The next day a saw a dead orphan.

Little Johnny walked into his parents room to see them going at it.He asked his mom what they were doing and she said uh were play fighting and he's like with no clothes on and she said yeah and so he said let me join you then...

I come in from work to see my wife dead on the sofa. As I unzip for one last ride she says BOO! What kind of a dick fuck does that!

Child:Hello I can’t find my dad.stranger:Oh well when and where did you last see him?child:Oh I remember 5 years ago he went to get some milk here.

I don't understand those couples that fight and a minute later change their Facebook status to single I fight with my parents but you don't see me change my status to Orphan

When you say to your friend I've got your back then at his funeral you see in his coffin he's missing his middle piece.