
See Jokes

"This morning, I came out my front door to see my neighbor frantically trying to scrub off the word "PEDO" that had been spray-painted on his front window."

"What's been going on, John?" I asked.

"Fucking kids," came his mumbled reply.

The dirty bastard!

Q: What does your Mama and a slinky have in common?

A: They aren't much to look at, but you can't help cracking a smile when you see it tumbling down the stairs.

So I told an orphan to slap themselves until they are wanted. I came back the next day to see them slapping themselves. Then I stopped them and told them to punch themselves.

The next day I saw a dead orphan.

"Dude come here and see a rabbit!"


"Are you ok, man?"

"Yeah, I’m fine."

"Dude, pull your pants back up!"

Ur hairline is so repulsive that my entire family got eye cancer from seeing it and it goes so far back that you be looking like vegeta.

Rape jokes like Cancer jokes or Aids jokes are just Humorous Wordplay. If you don't AGREE send me Your Details and we'll see if you Prefer Actual Rape to a Harmless RAPE JOKE.... YOU SAD SACKS OF HUMOURLESS SHIT MUNCHERS