
Scale Jokes

friend: hits head* others: how many fingers am i holding up? me: to friend* how suicidal am i on a scale from one to ten? friend: ten me: hes fine guys

My wife wanted a present that could go from Zero to 80 very quickly.

So I got her a new set of bathroom scales.

My "overweight" friend and me were talking at lunch.

Overweight friend: Man, why you so ugly dude?

Me: *annoyed*Jason when you stepped on the scale this morning it asked for you're weight not you're phone number.

The lady was so fat that when she stepped on the scale, the scale responded with " i need your weight not your phone number"

A woman noticed her husband standing on a bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. "Ha! Thats not going to help!" She said. "Sure it does." he said. "Its the only way i can see the numbers."


There was this man and he forgot about his wife's birthday. She was very upset and said that her present should come as fast as 1-200 by tomorrow. When she woke up she saw a present in the bathroom. It was a scale