Yo mama so fat she stepped on the scale and it said a.k.a ' error
Teacher: How much is a gram?
Tyronne: Uhmm, depends on what you need.
This was a few months ago. I used to help people load and unload inventory, one day I’m driving home after having lunch with my sister, and she asked if we can stop at the next gas station,I told her so you can weigh yourself on the truck scale.
your hairline goes so far back you can see a full world scale map in your forehead reflection
My German girlfriend likes to rate our sex on a scale of 1-10.
Last night we tried anal, and she kept shouting “9!”
That's the best I've done so far.
When you went to McDonald's and sat down, you were so fat, they said, "TBC."
Fat jokes and mom jokes😂
1. So fat when she sat on the toilet, she said, "A B C D E F G, get your fat ass off me."
2. So fat, your dad and her were in bed and tried to kiss. He’d have to slap her belly and ride the third wave up.
3. Yo mama so fat that when she went to Japan in a green bikini, they all started yelling, "Godzilla, Godzilla."
4. Your mama’s so fat when she went bungee jumping, she broke the bridge!
5. Bill was so fat when he stepped on the scale, it said "to be continued."
6. Yo mama so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.
Asian Grading scale: A- Average.
B- Half Average.
C- Stupid idiot!
Your mama is so fat that when she went to scale its said no elephants aloud
Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder to spread kindness today. And treat others how you want to be treated! Rate your day scale of 1-10 in the comments below. Mine was about a 7. Also, can you guys please comment what you guys want me to cover in these little messages? Sometimes it's hard to tell if you guys like that I'm doing this kind of stuff or not.
Your mama is so ugly that when she stood on the scale, it said "to be continued."
Your mom so fat that when she stood on a scale it said."We need an actual person not an Elephant."
Your mum is so fat that when you walk around her, you get lost.
You're so fat,
when you stepped on the scale,
Buzz Lightyear came out and said,
"To infinity and beyond!"
When an American goes on a scale, the other person will say, "I asked for your weight, not your phone number!"
I want your weight, not your phone number.
Your mum is so fat when she was sitting on a scale the number couldnt even fit in the scale and came shooting out
Your mama is so fat. She steps on the scales. She has to return in a couple days to get the results.
You are so fat that the last time you stepped on the weighing scale the doctor said I want your weight and not phone number
My wife is so fat. She gets weighed on the Richter scale.