It isn't rap music if it isn't about rape.
You guys are literally mentally ill you should get some help this is so disgusting ew
What did the hooker say when she found out the cash she was paid with for services rendered was counterfeit?
I've been raped
When you accidentally wipe a little too hard and your finger goes up your bumhole, triggering flashbacks of when you were 10 and your uncle stayed a few weeks 😂
The rapist is therapist
Q. What do rape victims miss?
A. Part of their brain
If I were alone on an island with Camilla Cabello and we were never going to escape, I'd rape her. I mean, what is she going to do? Tell someone?
How do you put an end to MeToo? Just fill those combined showers with transgender women
What's the difference between what Bill Cosby did and what OJ Simpson did? OJ Simpson's victims actually suffered and I actually feel bad for them (the boyfriend at least)
How did the rape victim on a diet lose 21 grams? She died
How do you help a rape victim on a diet lose 7 pounds? Kill her afterwards
Why did John rape his mother? Because he wanted a brother to play Mario Kart with.
It isn't really rape if you speak different languages. I mean, how is the man supposed to know what she is saying? Those could be tears of joy and screams of pleasure
It's not rape if they can't say no. Duct Tape.
Why did the Muslim man cross the road? To violently rape an eight year old girl then indoctrinate her with Islamic scripture and train her as a suicide bomber
(whats the quickest way to get to the hospital? - just stand in the middle of a busy road) (whats red and bad for your teeth? - a brick) (what do my dad and nemo have in common? - the both can't be found) (what do you do after raping a deaf person? - cut their fingers off so they don't tell anyone) ( MORE JOKES COMING SOON LMAO ;] )
being raped is like a dance sometimes it hurts some times it hurts more
I went to find someone to fuck in the streets for money, and I found a prostitute but then she raped me. After she said it was amazing and instead let me push
what is it called when an illegal immigrant is getting raped?
alien vs predator
What did Elon Musk do after sacking half of Twitter employees? Raped an eight year old girl