My last relationship ended because my ex girlfriend accused me of being a rapist. I'm not upset, to be honest I didn't like her anyway, she kept telling me I never listen, or something like that
Why are feminist rape claims never taken seriously? Nobody wants to rape fat, hairy gorillas.
How can all rape be prevented? Just teach your daughters to never say no to a man. There - fixed!
How do you rape a feminist? Tell her you are a woman and she will let you do whatever. You won't even need to force it.
What's the difference between a brand new Oldsmobile and a brand new Raping?
ur smash me so hard i gave her the d
What’s the difference between cancer and my abusive stepdad my stepdad did it beat cancer
Violence against women is funny :)
Whenever a woman files a rape accusation, it’s obviously fake. Even the cows at my farm are more likely, at least they aren’t flat.
I asked my girlfriend if we could try my rape fantasy last night. She said no. It was the best night of my life.
Why did the woman want a boyfriend at least 2 🦶 taller?
So she could feel like a little girl and fulfill her rape fantasy.
One time Little Johnny heard his parents "wrestling" in their bed. So the next morning, he went to rape all the little girls in school. This then led to his demise. No girls told on him, but when he grew up, he was a raper. He never stopped. In total, "little" Johnny had over 31 sons that he didn't know about. When he was sentenced to jail, he raped all the inmates despite his small figure. He was then sent to the death sentence, "eagle wing" torture style. His parents were happy he died, and the morbid rapist was put down, never to return again. However, all the sons had his genes, including his MINDSET. They then became a cult and shot down 2014 cops, 471 military members and 72951 males and females. The kids, you ask? Only the males were spared, and taught how to operate the guns. All but 419 females were killed. They soon became the world's strongest empire. No one could stop Little Johnny's sons. NO ONE.
What is Bill Cosby's favorite poem? Roses are red, my cum is blue, I'll wait till your asleep to rape you.
What’s the difference between a bank vault and you aunt's anus?
The owner of bank vaults don’t force you to penetrate it.
Why do so many people get charged with rape? Because they are too stupid to finish her off and bury the body.
What do you do if you see someone raping your girlfriend? Help out. There is no way she can fight both of you. Then, find the poor man a lawyer.
Trevor Bauer for President.
What do you do if you see an Indian woman getting raped? Nothing, since raping is a normal everyday part of Indian culture.
What did the therapist say to the rapist yes please
My teacher gave me an A in Physics, then she tells me that it turns guys on.