Put Jokes

Whats black, white, and red all over? a penguin in a blender

Whats all fuzzy, warm, and laughing? The person who snapped its neck and put it into the blender


A man walks into a bar with an alligator and a stick. He walks up to the bartender and offers to put on a show for the bar's patrons in exchange for a drink. The bartender agrees, so he pulls down his pants, sticks his dick in the alligators mouth and starts whacking it with the stick. After he's done and gets his drink he asks if anyone else would like a go.

A lady gets up and says yes she would like a go, asks that he doesn't hit her with the stick.

What’s the difference between a retard and a zombie.. nothing much they both dribble,moan,hungry,walk weirdly and it takes a bullet in the head to put them both down

🤔 ❓ How do lesbians 😳 practice safe 🙏 sex they put condoms on dildos and then they put dildos inside of their 👄 👄 👄 mouths and then they perform fellatio on them

What do women and KFC have in common? After you get done with the thighs and breasts, all you have left is a greasy box to put your bone in.

I was in a motivational seminar about depression the other day and she said i could be anything i wanted to be if i put my mind to it, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it even if it's messy

I went to my sister room one day. I see a trophy, so I ask my sister how did you won this trophy my sister said to me the neighbors gave it to me because I gave out the best hand jobs in the neighbor. I guess my sister put her hands in good use.

Boobs are like batteries... AA will get the job done... C is bigger than AA... D is bigger that C... ...and if they're square, you don't want to put your tongue on them!

What does a cigarette and a hamster have in common?

Both are completely harmless untill you put it in your mouth and light it on fire.

What do you get when you put 50 lawyers in a room with 50 lesbians? One hundred people who don't do dick.