
Punishment Jokes

I got in trouble at school today bc I played the knife game with a pair of scissors but I couldn't flip them off bc I was missing that finger.

Myq sister told only onions make you u cry so i alway hit her back when she hit me but i hit her with a shoe only to catch her cry.

Me: Hi Jacob Jacob: Hi Me: your parents went to jail for littering when you were born Jacob: GOO GOO GAH GAH

I heard Kobe was writing a book about helicopters but it just wouldn't land with people...

I know, I'm going to hell...


I saw a dad shaved his daughters head because she made fun of a woman with cancer. Good thing she didn’t make fun of a pregnant women🤭

Right I have a dog and his name is syndrome and when ever he is Good I go back good syndrome but when ever he is naughty I go Down syndrome