
Play Jokes

JACK smoked some shit in the casino bathroom, Then fucked a slut, Played some slots, Took some shots, then shot a JOKER

It's a sad story, because JACK killed himself But he died with a smile

Mom: You need to grow up. You're so immature.

Me: *glares* Get out of my castle....

Mom: It's a pillow fort.

Me: Why can't I have an imagination! ?

Mom: You're almost 19 years old.

Me: Not good enough... OUT!

Jace: ha ha i won dude you suck at monopoly Timmy:Let's play another game *GUNSHOT* Ig i won! Jace:*SCREAMS IN PAIN* Timmy: What? I thought we were playing chutes and ladders!

Man: Could you hold this for me? Kid:Ok mister! I love playing with a pew pew! Pow! Pew! Pew! Bang!*GUNSHOT* Man:Damnit now who am I gonna put in the van?!

Tibia honest, it takes a lot of spine to memorize all the bones in the skeletal system. I mean, there's a skele-ton of em! You gotta be boned up for the skeletal system exam, buddy chum pal. Now that was a humerus ribtickling skelepun. Besides, if ya don't know all of the bones in the skeletal system, get boned, fucking numbskull. Did those tickle your funny bone? Now I've been working down to the bone typing these puns, kid. Now if you hate all these, I won't be bothered, I got thick skin! But first, lemme take a skelfie in the skelevator playing my trom-bone. Now, I gotta go to Grillby's. They got a discount on spare-ribs. Bone-voyage, my homeslice breadslice dawg.

After the shooting people were asking why would they do it, They wanted to stop but turns out they were playing an Online game.

A couple of cows were smoking a joint and playing cards...

The steaks were pretty high.

"Hi Mrs. Jackson, can Matt come out and play?" " Oh, Johnny you know Matt doesn't have any arms or legs." "I know, we just wanted to use him as third base."

I love to play catch with my dad! He's never there to catch the ball, though.

What Happens When You Get Caught On Fire? —You Lost To Slmebody When You Were Playing Hide And Seek And The Place Where You Got Caught Was Exactly On A Patch Of Fire.