I can't believe this!!
pizza is round and it comes in a square box, and you cut it into a triangle.
I ordered a pizza with everything on it but I got a plan pizza
How do you start a rave in Africa? Stick a pizza onto the ceiling.
Id make a joke about pizza, but its too cheesy. I know yall have too thick of a crust to get it!
What’s the twin towers favorite kind of pizza A:Plain
The towers ordered pepperoni but got plane
What’s micheal Jackson’s favorite pizza topping pepperon-he-he
I just heard that the inventor of the autocorrect died the other day.
May he rest in pizza.
Someone ordered pizza on a tower... A plane came
the twin towers ordered little Caesars but instead got dominos
Why the twin towers are mad
They ar like pepeporonie and cheese as a plane
Once I asked Siri to tell me a joke and it asked me “what is the difference between a large pizza and you”one can feed a family
Two people wanted pepperoni pizza.....Sadly, they got planes
To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked tacos. Then I made pizza because they don’t live in a swing state.