
Personal Jokes

I was watching the condring with a emo person she said she likes the part where the girl was hanging I said why because you wish it were you?

Me: What do we need from there? I have a few things to do before I head out to the store, and then I will be home to pick up the stuff.

Random person: What stuff?🤨

Me: What?

The person: you said you’re going to pick up “the stuff”!!! What do you mean by that?!

Me: colourful flamingo fart.

More random keyboard words made into sentences:

This was a joke that was made by someone who had never been to the game before, but who was the first person to make it into a game of game with the intention of being able play the first person who played it.

One day my kid with no arms came up to me and said, "Mom whats dark humor?" I thought about it than said, "Go wave to that blind person" and he just looked at me, confused, but angry.

@ Kobe the person under my joke ur hairline is so bad that kobe Bryant could of lived if he landed the helicopter on ur forehead

Se this is the best thing about no such thing as vampires because I be the first person to say drinks are on me