I heard that Jimmy Savile never wanted to be famous... All he ever wanted was to settle down, and have kids.
Who’s more excited than a kid on his birthday?
Jimmy Savile in a primary school playground.
Jeff, did you hear they're making a film about Jimmy Savile? It’s a very touchy subject.
Yeah, I did, Gary, but did you hear the reviews on the Bill Cosby film? People said it was so boring it put them to sleep.
What is jimmy saviles favourite roblox game?
undress to impress
Jimmy Savile should have presented Pop off the Tops instead of Top of the Pops.
I heard there making a film about Jimmy savill it's a very touchy subject
I heard the film about Is so boring it puts u to sleep
Person: So, Jimmy, what do you do all day?
Jimmy Savile: Anyone who I can do.
Why was the egg runny?
Because he'd just had sex with Jimmy Saville.