What do you call a short person that goes to school?
A Sammie
What do you call a short person that goes to school?
A Sammie
How do you get a depressed person out of a tree?
You cut the rope...
Person: I broke my arm in three places.
Doctor: Well, don't go to those three places then.
1st person : What do you call a blind pianist? 2nd person : what? 1st person : a pianist
Person 1 says to Person 2: "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith." So Person 2 says to person 1: "What's the name of his other leg?"
You: Why did the chicken cross the road? Random person: Why? You: To get to the idiot's house! Random person: What? You: Knock knock Random person: Who's there? You: The chicken.