This is a inside jokes for my friend Caiden...
Why did the painting go to jail? Because it was framed!
how do you paint a wall red? Throw a baby at it! (me like fortnite)
Didja hear about that one guy who dipped his balls in paint? My friend said they were “Pretty nuts!”
I pulled a prank on my friend the other day, i painted a portrait of the backrooms blueprints while he was sleeping, still had some extra space
1: hey 2:what 1:we're outta paint 2:*HMM* (and thats how stop signs have extra paint.)
Even Bob Ross couldn’t paint a happy little accident like BLESSEDBRIAN
Watching paint dry sounds like a THRILL compared to spending time with SLADE
I when to the orphans to paint a picture of there parents so they can actually talk to them
What is white, blue eyed, blonde haired and somehow was made in galilee during the roman occupation? An Itallian Renaissance painting that was carbon dated
Wow paint can, you have such a colorful personality!
little Johnny likes to play with toy guns little Johnny paints them black little Johnny went to a gun store little johnny made a big mess the cemitary people were getting paid.
So I went to a church the other day and I asked my friend is that painting of Jesus and is it through the wall with one with three nails Oh wait I wasn’t even Jesus he’s not doing the T post that he invented
r u a toaster? cuz i wanna take a bath wit u r u a knife? cuz u make me wanna kms r u a painting? cuz i hang u r u the flu? cuz u make me wanna hurl r u a newspaper? cuz u have new problems everyday r u the ground? cuz im six feet deep in u ;)
Kid starts shortcoming people in school, teacher asks “why are you doing that”. He responds, “I wanted to paint the walls red for Christmas”
One Tuesday afternoon Little Jonny Decides he wants extra Homework So he went to his teacher and said,Hello can I have extra homework this week and the teacher replied with,Sure be at my house Friday afternoon to cut my lawn, Polish the counters,Scrub the Baseboards,Scrub and paint the walls! And johnny replied with,That's not what I Ment but at least I'll get paid! And The Teacher said, How about 200 each job? Johnny replied with,OK (Friday afternoon at her house After Johnny Does all the jobs he asked for his payment and the teacher laughed and said,You do know that Tuesday was April fools day right?