why cant orphans play video games cause they dont have a home screen
Hey girl are you an orphan? Oh that’s right I’m your daddy.
These orphan jokes are getting old. I mean seriously haven't you got something better to tell
Why do orphans commit crimes?
It’s the only time they’re ever wanted
What does an orphan and a females mouth have in common?
They take in 100’s of kids
What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan the apples get picked🤪
I was the second worse thing to happen to those orphans
Why didn’t the orphan play baseball? Because I took the bat and swun it at their kneecaps and now they can’t run, what are they going to do tell their parents
What does Pikachu and a orphan have in common? Pikachu, I choose you!
Girl come hear my parents aren't home orphan mine are never
Ok guys I think we should stop being mean that will tell their grandparent's
what do you call your dad
you dont hahahahaha nickher but hole rape
Why can't a orphan play kick ball be cause the can't hit the home plate
what do an orphan and a blind person that is the same they both cant see there perants
You do orphans love doing crime?
Cuz they want to be wanted
THE ORPHANS ALL DIED!!! oh wait, no one cares.. THEIR PARENTS ARE ALL DEAD ANYWAY, we are just making them happier, they get to join their parents in hell
What happens when an orphan is told that someone had found their parents? They cry... They scream.. with joy "Oh wait, no, that wasn't your parents" Orphan grabs a knife out of the kitchen, lets just say, the orphan didnt live to tell the tail...
What the you call a couple of orphans a coupleorphans
Why can’t the orphan Tell on people BEACAUSE