A person told an orphan to not move otherwise they would kill their parents. What did the orphan do? It danced it's a$$ off
What's it called when a orphan calls 911 Operater h Hello is your family okay Orphan I'm an orphan Operater *bruh*
Whats red and white and goes 250 miles per hour? A baby in a blender ;)
What is it called when a orphanes goes on vacation Answer: He's Making Family memories
What are orphans least favorite movie
The promised never land
Why do the orphans love going to the bakery down the street so much? Because their cookies are homemade.
Why did the teacher yell at the orphan?
Because he didn’t do his homework.
what do Bob Ross's painting and the orphanage have in common. They're both filled with happy little accidents............
Orphans want girlfriends to call someone Mommy
When someone said to an orphan my boyfriend ghosted me the orphan says back don't worry my parents ghosted me 🤣
When a homeless kid goes to school and the teacher says you have homework tonight he said sorry teach I don't got a home
What issues don’t orphans have
Daddy issues
your so weak someone breathed on you and you flew away
you was born so fat they needed a 2 cranes to carry you
the 2nd worst thing that happened to an orphan was finding out the milk man passed
What's the difference between an orphan dying and a bag of groceries being dropped? While most agree that both are unfortunate, people actually care when they drop their groceries.
Why did the orphan die on the road..... because they had no one to hold there hand.
What's the best part of being an orphan? All the chips and many bars are family sized.
Why did the smart orphan loose the tech competition?
The motherboard was no where to be found
Why are orphans always at school. Cause they can't be home schooled.