
None Jokes

Men built civilisations Men went to the moon Men invented the modern comforts of today’s society

Women did none of those They are useless, only fit to be baby making machines

How do men like their women? Striped

How does priest like their children? Clean

Why are most orphans strippers? they want to call someone mommy or daddy

What is the difference between stripper and candy? none. but they like it when you take the wrapper off

How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb.

None, because they beat the room for being dark, then arrest the room for being broke.


Little Johnny and his teacher were telling each other jokes and riddles, His teacher asked "Three birds where sitting on a wire, a hunter shot one. How many are left?" Little Johnny replied "None, because the sound would scare the other two away." His teacher said "No, but I like the way you think!" Little Johnny replied, "Alright, now I have one for you. What goes in dry and hard and comes out soft and hard?" His teacher was shocked and said "Little Johnny!" He replied "It's gum! But I like the way you think!"

How many sally's does it take to change a ligthbulb?

None, she was eletricuted.

Why did the cop ask the Orphan he was home alone.

The orphan said because my parents have never came back yet because I have none

im high & its very hot🙄🙄😑😅😂😂😂 i need some water BUT I DONT GOT NONE AHAHA 🙄😒😑🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄