
Need Jokes

We need to stop making orphan jokes like this because they aren’t mean enough. We need more cruel jokes.😂😂😂😂😂😂

this is rifle. ▄【デc̷a̷t̷══━一 he needs help being spread across this website. copy this message and paste it on any joke upon this website. spread and save rifle.

How many Polish people does it take to change a light bulb?

One. But you need 5000 Soviet troops in case he goes on strike!

Our soon to be ex Justice Minister is trying to distract us from his own misconduct charges by funding advocates for crime victims He should fund proctologists too cause he'll likely need both after prison.

D.A.R.E. Lion Mascot: Dont take drugs kids! Me: my therapist says i need those to live D.A.R.E. Lion Mascot: _escourts to school counselor_

what stands on the side of the road and needs a lot of money to buy

billboard, did you think I was gonna say street walker?