
Music Jokes

What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle? A violin has "strings" and a fiddle has "strangs".

Michael Jackson and Kelly Clarkson both did shady stuff to children. Michael Jackson said that there is nothing wrong with sharing a bed with unrelated small children. Kelly Clarkson said that there is nothing wrong with physically beating a small child.

The thing is, though, only one of them made Billie Jean or Beat It, and the other is just a typical karaoke country singer. So no surprise people gave Wacko Jacko a pass.

Do you know why in france there is a cheese named formage á ràpe?

Cuz the cheese got rapped

Q: How do you know there’s a party at Neverland Ranch? A: All the Big Wheels parked out front.

Q: When do you know it’s over? A: Only one is left.