What is Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite song?
"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."
Why do the Twin Towers have Elton John?
Because Elton "IS STILL STANDING".
Juice WRLD really died, then how is he posting videos today?
Kurt Cobain didn't mean to kill himself. He was just so high he thought the shotgun was a bong.
His lyrics are so ironic but so true. "I'm not coming back". "I swear I don't have a gun."
Why don’t rappers ever get lost?
They always have a SICK FLOW to follow.
Why did the rapper wear a watch to the studio?
He wanted to make TIMELESS TRACKS.
What’s a rapper’s favorite kind of SODA?
Dr. Dre Pepper.
WORLDWIDE RAP: Takin’ a Battery Park tour in Calgary, a Mali rapport and a factory in Lahore in an Annapolis store, Calgary's core, went to Nairobi’s floor and visited Valerie Moore, then bought some Shanghai decor and got salaries in Seoul’s war, studied the Vatican’s lore, wanted to see Manhattan’s allure and visit the Galilee shore to check Napoli’s score, a tragedy in Warsaw, Palmyra before, check out the cavalry corps, went to a Bali resort, a Madrid encore but had to take a Hackney detour.
What’s the LGBTQ national anthem?
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Harold Arlen.
Roses are red, your eyes are brown; never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
Why did the rapper refuse to write a diss track?
He didn’t want to start beef, he’s VEGAN.
Why don’t rappers play hide and seek?
Because good luck finding someone who’s always in the booth!
What do you call a rapper with bad credit?
Lil Borrow.
What did the mic say to the rapper?
"Don’t DROP me, bro!"
Why was the rapper cold in the recording studio?
Because his bars were ice.
What do Rapboat and Caseoh have in common?
They're both chubby.
What is Rapboat's favorite musical note? A minor.