
Mix Jokes

A guy walks into a bar and tells the bartender “give me 2 beers”. The bartender gives him two beers and coughs in the guys beers bottles before giving it to him. The guy says to the bartender “hey what are u doing I didn’t order for bud lights I want corona beer”. The bartender replies “ sir I gave you a mix of bud light and corona and it’s on the house everyone is drinking corona tonight”.

One night when I was six, I had this super annoying accent, and when I said the number "six," Oh no... One night my catholic priest asked me how many cookies I needed for my family. I told him six, but thanks to my accent being mixed with many others including Scottish, French, and Russian, it sounded like I said "I need to have sex." He looked at me strange then pulled me into a closest. Being a Pedo. When Momma asked me why I was missing for 6 hours I told her, "I went to get the cookies like you told me to, and father raped the Christianity out of me." The angry look she gave my father was amazing. Then with my Papa she beat the hell outta him.

Serves him right.


I was baking a cake when I saw some egg shell in the mix. I said “you’ve got to be yolking me”

Someone at school judged my grammar. I judged theirs by the terms "school" and "rifle range" being mixed up the next day.

Someone asked me what the worst mistake you could make while bieng at work was and i replied " being a doctor and mixing up the oral and rectal thermometers"

3 cowboys are at a fire talking about the best things they have done.

Cowboy 1 says ́ ́ I have taken out a whole group of raiders with my bare hands ́ ́

Cowboy 2 says ́ ́ I have killed a herd of bulls with my thumb ́ ́

Cowboy 3 chuckles as he mixes the fire with his dick.

Did you hear how Steven Hawkins Died? There was a mix up and he was dropped at pc world instead of A&E!