why does michael jackson like doge miner? he thinks its about minors dressed in doge costumes
What's a rapist's favourite scale? C Minor.
What was the pedophile charged with when he was arrested? A minor offense
If a priest listen to sad music in his church he really enjoys to be deep in minor
My cousin really loves baseball He always Brags about how many home runs he hit in the minors
You guys know the notes A Minor and D? I really like putting D in A Minor!
What’s Michael Jackson’s favourite Piano note? A Minor
What does a pedophile mostly pound on a piano?
A minor
I hate it when a couple has a minor quarrel, and the girlfriend updates her Facebook status to ‘single.’ I mean, I fight with my parents all the time, but I never update my status to ‘orphan.’
What do you call the musical kid who is very aware of his surrondings?
C sharp minor
What is a pedophiles favorite piano note?
A Minor
Why are pedofiles good at playing guitar?
Because they are good at fingering A minor
Person 1: How many people has Michael Jackson fingered?
Person 2: dunno what’s the minor population?
how can u be friends with a pedo that a musician b minor
Why did the priest want to learn how to play the organ?
He wanted to be able to finger A minor