
Milk Jokes

I am a racist and i put my milk before cereal...well, to be honest that was when i had milk, but one day my dad says he was going to get some...then he left. Now when i see a black guy, I yell "Thanks for picking the cotton to make my shirt"

What is the difference between an emo kid and a jug of milk?

The milk doesn't hang itself after it gets dumped.

Your dad left you bc he went for milk*1000,000 years later* her*dad come back *him*FBI open up

one day, the milkman came to drop off milk. The boy asked the milkman, do you know where my dad is. The milkman replies, I am your dad, then runs off like batman

What do you call diareah from a hot woman Chocolate milk What do you call diarrhoea from a fat woman Arsenic

What’s the difference between the milk and drugs?

My dad brought the drugs back not the milk tho😭