say eye, smell map, say ness. (I am a penis!) HA HA!
whats the same with ur dad and retail row
they are both off the map
I've been trying to use Google Maps in Ukraine, but I couldn't because I only saw Russia.
What is a geographical discovery? Little Johnny found his geography homework undone
what is an emo girls favorite map in halo....... hang em high
Your forehead is so big that it's visible on the world map
It was a sunny day and I was in school. I had history lessons and we had cool subject! The subject was about the Pendulum, the man who statpaded against small teams and camped in pen spot! Our teacher showed us a map with marked countries in which penaldo dived like a dolphin!
Why did a orphan go on google maps? To try and find there parents.
I have a thousand-piece puzzle of the Japanese map, it took me ages to finish it. But after the earthquake, I just threw all the pieces on the ground and it's done.
We got a. Number one victory royale, yeah Fortnite we boutta get down! Get down! Ten kills on the board right now, just wiped out tomato town! My friend’s gone down, I revived him now we’re heading southbound! Now we’re in the pleasant park street, look at the map, go to the marked sheet!
You are my compass, without you, I’m lost.
bully: you are ugly me: you are so fat you are the call of duty map
A guy walks into an AA meeting and ask for a road map.
One day, two friends found a treasure map. So they decided try to find the treasure. After several hours they found the treasure, it was a suit that gives the person wearing it super strength. One of the friend wear the suit and hugs the other friend. They were both red.
You are walking through the woods when you cross a woman who has been raped and beheaded, what is the first thing you do? Check your map, you’re obviously going in circles.
What did the stop sign say to the street sign when he couldn't read a map? Can you give me some pointers.
If you want to see my foes, bring a shovel and bring a map and a getaway car just in case we get caught.
guys go ot and read the whole thing becaus i need peopel ti play with and everyone is being a retarded thanks guys goo bye
what did the explorer say when he got tired
i'm gonna take a map